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  • 07:59 UTC (new) (history) 2024-05-04 Pretty printing SQL . . . . mbork I work with PostgreSQL on a daily basis, and I often share queries with my teammates. I like to show them nicely formatted queries instead of the mess I sometimes write;-). A bit surprisingly, I had troubles finding a nice SQL pretty-printer/formatter.



  • 05:53 UTC (new) (history) 2024-04-22 Next-Error-Follow mode . . . . mbork A few weeks ago I wrote about Emacs’ Follow mode. It turns out that searching for follow-mode on my blog reveals an old post about Ibuffer which is very short and unfortunately a bit misleading. It seems that the mention of Follow mode there was really meant to mean Next-Error-Follow mode. It is a completely unrelated, but also useful concept.

